====================================================================== BAA electronic bulletin This is an announcements only list - please do not reply to this message. ====================================================================== Weather permitting the BAA is planning to broadcast a live feed of images of this bright asteroid close-approach using my telescope in Chelmsford. http://britastro.org/liveobs/2004bl86.php If all goes well we should first see the object around 1900UT as it rises above my local horizon. At that time the object will be around magnitude 9.6 moving at around 160 arcsec/minute (0.04 deg/min). For a short while tonight this object will be brighter than 9th magnitude and it will be visible in large binoculars or a small telescope. For details see the article by Richard Miles on our website: http://britastro.org/article_render/6171 Nick James. ====================================================================== BAA-ebulletin mailing list This is an announcements only list - please do not reply to this message. To unsubscribe please send an e-mail to webadmin@britastro.org or visit http://lists.britastro.org/mailman/listinfo/baa-ebulletin (c) 2015 British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/ ======================================================================